Friday 19 October 2012

Pancake From Scratch

My mother's Families are great bakers. Her father, her mother, her sisters, and obviously herself.

I used to watched my mother when she was baking cakes when I was a child as I was a very curious kid back then.
I watched and watched without realizing that one day I'll be making my self cakes, desserts, and my own favorites snacks. My mother never really taught me how to make cakes and desserts as my grandmother never really taught her either. we both learn how to make them ourselves since we've lived separately.

So, back to pancake. It's actually unusual treats in my place. When I ask around of how to make pancake, nobody really know how to do it, or worse, some said they never heard of it. (-_-")
I looked up Internet for local pancake recipes but they added baking soda into the batter.
I found any cakes with baking soda taste dry, including pancake mix instant powder that we could easily found in the store. I could never really enjoy cakes like that. Do you agree??
so after moths of search, I finally found my own recipe, thanks to Nigella Lawson and my mother.
This pancake recipe might require a little more effort than if you make pancake from pancake instant mix package, but its natural and moist and yummy. You should give it a try or I can make some for you :D, kidding (^^~), only if we are close enough in distance :D

So these are all that I could share with you for now:

you'll need:
2 medium or large bowls
A whisk or an electric mixer
A plactic/silicone spatula

A pan

As for the ingredients I never measure exactly of how much are those I put in, I just estimated all of them when I'm writing this blog, sorry (_ _"), they are:
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup of milk (about 250ml)

  • Flour
For the flour:
they are few types of flours that we could find at the store

I usually used 1 cup of those high-protein flour that people use for making bread because it gives chewy taste

If you use plain flour, It might only contains low protein which will make the cake very soft, so I put in 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 cup, you can always adjust the thickness of the flour by adding less or more.

Here are additional ingredients that makes the pancakes tastes special :D
They are optional, so feel free to put it in or carry on without it:

1 tablespoon of sugar (optional)
If you have you pancake served with maple syrup, you can choose not to put in sugar

obviously if you eat it plain, you might want a slightly taste of sweetness

1 teaspoon of Vanilla essence (optional)

2-3 tablespoon of soya powder
(for more chewiness)

Chocolate Chips or

Banana Slices or
Cheese Chunks
Could be Cheddar cheese, or cottage cheese or whatever you want to experiment on

Here's how its done:

  1. crack the eggs and separate the yolks and the whites into different bowls
  2. put in sugar into the yolk and whisk it until the yolks become yellow pastel or bright whitish yellow in color then put in the milk, vanilla essence into them.
  3. when they are mixed, put in the flour gradually, little by little to avoid lumps. And soya powder if you want
  4. set aside this batter, lets work in the whites. Whisk the whites until its foamy and fluffy
  5. pour in this egg whites into the batter and fold them carefully (use your spatula)
  6. when they are combined, put in your toppings
  7. heat your pan on medium low heat. If you're using non-stick pan, there's no need for you to oil the pan. The pancake will come out prettier without it
  8. pour the batter on the pan, when you starts to see some bubble popped out of the pancake, its time to flip your pancake
  9. the other side of the pancake wont take time to cook, you can wait a few seconds, you can also peek a little on the pancake
  10. Serve your pancake! Maple syrup? honey? powdered sugar? butter? raisins? more chocolate chips? whipped cream? anything you like, enjoy :D

Let me know if you have any question on comment box down here: :D

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