Saturday 20 October 2012

So Lately, I found some of my classmates dug my bulky pencil case one by one. Wondering why its so intriguing for them, so I took a look into my pencil case and I found that I have too much pencils than I needed.
Altough, every pencils and pens and markers, etc from the inside of my pencil case has its own specialty.
here's their job:

 From left to right:
  • Medium-Heavy pencil: For product design drawing (suggested by my teacher, but then I never really use it -_-")
  • Little Mechanical Pencil: this pencil is cute, but then it doesn't really fit in my hand
  • 0.9 Mechanical Pencil: I use this pencil for pattern making class as we need very bold lines every time we draft, but also we need the pencil to be strong as I put pressure on my drafting process. this pencil is the best choice.
  • 0.5 black-pink and 0.5 lime green-blue shake pencil: since my hand is kinda wide, I need bulky pencil. Beside these pencils are colorful with interestingly cute design. you can simply shake the pencil to take out more carbon from inside
  • O'Bon Recycled-news paper-pencil: another interesting pencil that I bought. Instead of using wood to wrap the pencil, the used tightly rolled news paper. It's actually more expensive than normal pencil (though it said it was recycled from newspaper, and you can actually see the news paper as you sharpen the pencil)
  • 2B Stadler Pencil: just another normal pencil
  • Smiggles 2B fat pencil: love this pencil so much beside its cute print, It fits in my hand better than mechanic pencil and normal pencil
  • 0.5 Pentel Mechanic Pencil
  • 0.5 Pentel Mechanic Pencil (Green&Pink): I always carry extra pencil. First, because I multitasking like crazy and messy. Second, you'll always have classmates who intentionally or unintentionally never bring her/his pencil. -_-"
So below is My Pentel 0.38 Gel Pen Collection.
I'm not a fond of reading, so when I make a note for my school and study, I'll make sure its interesting and colorful.:D

Friday 19 October 2012

Pancake From Scratch

My mother's Families are great bakers. Her father, her mother, her sisters, and obviously herself.

I used to watched my mother when she was baking cakes when I was a child as I was a very curious kid back then.
I watched and watched without realizing that one day I'll be making my self cakes, desserts, and my own favorites snacks. My mother never really taught me how to make cakes and desserts as my grandmother never really taught her either. we both learn how to make them ourselves since we've lived separately.

So, back to pancake. It's actually unusual treats in my place. When I ask around of how to make pancake, nobody really know how to do it, or worse, some said they never heard of it. (-_-")
I looked up Internet for local pancake recipes but they added baking soda into the batter.
I found any cakes with baking soda taste dry, including pancake mix instant powder that we could easily found in the store. I could never really enjoy cakes like that. Do you agree??
so after moths of search, I finally found my own recipe, thanks to Nigella Lawson and my mother.
This pancake recipe might require a little more effort than if you make pancake from pancake instant mix package, but its natural and moist and yummy. You should give it a try or I can make some for you :D, kidding (^^~), only if we are close enough in distance :D

So these are all that I could share with you for now:

you'll need:
2 medium or large bowls
A whisk or an electric mixer
A plactic/silicone spatula

A pan

As for the ingredients I never measure exactly of how much are those I put in, I just estimated all of them when I'm writing this blog, sorry (_ _"), they are:
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup of milk (about 250ml)

  • Flour
For the flour:
they are few types of flours that we could find at the store

I usually used 1 cup of those high-protein flour that people use for making bread because it gives chewy taste

If you use plain flour, It might only contains low protein which will make the cake very soft, so I put in 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 cup, you can always adjust the thickness of the flour by adding less or more.

Here are additional ingredients that makes the pancakes tastes special :D
They are optional, so feel free to put it in or carry on without it:

1 tablespoon of sugar (optional)
If you have you pancake served with maple syrup, you can choose not to put in sugar

obviously if you eat it plain, you might want a slightly taste of sweetness

1 teaspoon of Vanilla essence (optional)

2-3 tablespoon of soya powder
(for more chewiness)

Chocolate Chips or

Banana Slices or
Cheese Chunks
Could be Cheddar cheese, or cottage cheese or whatever you want to experiment on

Here's how its done:

  1. crack the eggs and separate the yolks and the whites into different bowls
  2. put in sugar into the yolk and whisk it until the yolks become yellow pastel or bright whitish yellow in color then put in the milk, vanilla essence into them.
  3. when they are mixed, put in the flour gradually, little by little to avoid lumps. And soya powder if you want
  4. set aside this batter, lets work in the whites. Whisk the whites until its foamy and fluffy
  5. pour in this egg whites into the batter and fold them carefully (use your spatula)
  6. when they are combined, put in your toppings
  7. heat your pan on medium low heat. If you're using non-stick pan, there's no need for you to oil the pan. The pancake will come out prettier without it
  8. pour the batter on the pan, when you starts to see some bubble popped out of the pancake, its time to flip your pancake
  9. the other side of the pancake wont take time to cook, you can wait a few seconds, you can also peek a little on the pancake
  10. Serve your pancake! Maple syrup? honey? powdered sugar? butter? raisins? more chocolate chips? whipped cream? anything you like, enjoy :D

Let me know if you have any question on comment box down here: :D

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Pasta With Teriyaki Sauce - Combining west and east taste

Buy a bottle of Japanese teriyaki sauce;
vegetable that you could possibly eat (I tried on crunchy vegetables such as broccoli, sugar snaps, and cauliflower, also leafy vegetables like cabbage. But if you like mushroom like I do, it'll be a lovely add-on);
your choice of meat (for me it's chicken breast, but then you can use beef or bacon or pork, whatever. you can also use egg-this as additional);
and your favorite pasta (macaroni, spaghetti, linguine, etc)
Then you have a delicious meal contains complete nutrition you need: Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fibers

TO process all the ingredients:

Since I only have one electric stove, one pan and one microwave at a time, so I have to do some improvisation

First thing I do is put water in pan (hot water from dispenser to shorten the time) When the water boils, put in the pasta (I Put half cup of macaroni for me) and a pinch of salt.

Second thing to do while the pasta is cooking, is to chop the vegetables and chicken
        There are few options of determine their size
                   For vegetables: cut leafy veggies about min 2 inch, because the leafs will shrink and soften after cooking process; and chunky veggies about 2cm cubes or smaller if you really hate veggies, cut these chunky veggies first and put them together into the pasta that's still cooking in the pan. (Chunky one will take sometime to cook, depends on how you like your vegetables to be. If you like it crunchy, put in the chunky veggies only 5 mins before you take off the pasta)
                   For the meat: Depends on what result you want, I want mine to become crispy flakes of chicken, so I chopped the chicken roughly about 0.5cm. Thin and small pieces will cook faster than thicker and bigger pieces, you decide!
After chopping them all, set aside the chicken, work on pasta and veggies
Chopping all the veggies and meats will take sometime, by the time you finish, your pasta suppose to be ready. For leafy veggies, just put them into the cooking pasta a few seconds ONLY! Then immediately strain them.

Next, Let's work on the chicken:
Put some oil (about 3 tablespoons) on the pan (I prefer not to wash the pan after pasta but its up to you really).
Let the oil heats up, put in the chicken or whatever your meat is
(you can put the heat on high if your the pieces are small, but the bigger the size of the meat is, the lower you should put the fire on)
I put super high on mine, it makes the chicken browns fast and because the size is small, they stay crunchy for a while. 
(If you want to add eggs into your dishes, make scrambled fried egg before you fry the chicken, and set the eggs aside)

When the chicken almost done, put in Teriyaki Sauce about 2-3 tablespoons (depends on how much your pasta is, you might want it more or less, always put a little amout first then adjust) let the sauce caramelized with the chicken and oil.
Don't burn it! put in the pasta, veggies, egg (if you had made the fried egg), and mix them together for a minute.
Then quickly transfer them into a plate, and your meal is ready :)

I hope this is helpful for you :D

Little note:
to Store the chicken
I always buy 2 packages of chiken breasts.
After bought them, I go straight to the kitchen to chop them into slices.
Divide the chicken slices into 5-7 parts.
Then wrap every one part thinly with plastic cling wrap and freeze them (arrange them inside the plastic as thin as possible).
It comes handy for every time I cook. I didn't have to wait too long to defrost it.
Just put a bowl with water and the chicken package you made from the freezer (I use one package for one cooking session) into microwave and choose quick defrost.
try to watch the chicken inside the microwave because you might as well cook it if it's too long.
It might only take less than a minute to defrost thin package of chicken. You can work on the chicken afterwards.
These picture the potato soup I made, then I added my caramelized teriyaki chicken. you can also try it on other dishes

Good luck :D

Sunday 4 July 2010

Marie's Willow Charcoal

well Hi again,
I know it was kinda difficult to find charcoal when I was in high school.
So, Once I spotted a Charcoal, I just went straight and bought it!
Here's one of stuffs I bought in Gramedia Store when I go to Pontianak, in West Kalimantan, or some people called kalimantan as Borneo, (IDK why).

It was Marie's Willow Charcoal.
The price was about Rp 38,000 or more (I don't really remember >.<).
The Charcoal was made in China and it has 25 pieces of different size charcoals in one tube.
It made my hands dirty as I was drawing, but I finally got the shade I wanted in the end. (I don't really good at drawing because I have a lot of friend that obviously LOVED to draw and they have the best skills, not me T_T)

I don't give a damn if my hands, my clothes, my desks, my bed cover (sometimes I drew in my bed and made a little mess), my pencil case or even my walls were dirty. As long as I could create a marvelously artwork, why not??
So I think Marie's Willow Charcoal is worth tying for. especially for you who draws a lot.